Friday, January 19, 2007

Media Checklist

Media Checklist
1) I use the telephone five-ten times a day. The person that I call the most is a tie between my parents and my boyfriend.
2) The last speech I attended (not for a class) was freshman year for a workshop on sexual abuse. I went to the speech to increase my awareness on the issue.
3) About 30 minutes a day I chat on AIM. I chat with my two best friends from highschool the most.
4) I use email too many times in a day to count!
5) This summer was the last time I paid for music, and it was on iTunes.
6) Step-by-Step is the most recent show I watched on TV. I did because it is entertainment and reminds me of my childhood.
7) Last time I recorded a program on TV was in December of 2006. It was CSI.
8) Eragon was the last movie I watched in the theater. On DVD, the last movie was The Devil Wears Prada.
9) The last radio station I listened to was country because I like it! It reminds me of home.
10) The most recent book I read was Heaven and Earth by Nora Roberts.
11) The last time I read the newpaper was two days ago, it was USA Today and I read it for entertainment purposes.
12) The last magazine I read was Glamour and I read it two days ago. The reason I read it was to relax and have some time to myself.
13) The last time I wrote a letter was this summer, and it was to thank someone for a birthday present.
14) I visit the most. The last time I visited it was yesterday to search.
15) I have a Facebook so I can stay connected with my friends and family that I don't see everyday.


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Sounds like you're primarily point to point communicator with the phone, e-mail and IMming. Do you text message with a cell phone? What would happen if we cut you off from e-mail or your phone?

Julie said...

If I got cut off from e-mail, that would be rough! My phone, the same thing. It broke over break and let's just say that it wasn't the best day of my life! I do text message, but I e-mail and call more often.