Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Limited realities in everyday life.

Consumers of media are limited in how reality is portrayed to them by the “gatekeepers” of society. These gatekeepers decided what information will be shared, what information will be kept confidential, what information is valuable, and what information is worthless. Therefore, many of our realities are skewed because we are told what is important in the eyes of others. It is only after one becomes involved in many forms of media that their reality may broaden. To see the conservative versus liberal view of an issue will allow us to make our own judgments because we have been exposed to both sides. We as individuals need to decide what forms of media we approve of (and follow) based on the stereotypes that we make. For example, I tend to think that individuals who are more liberal do not have the same values as I do because I am more conservative. Therefore, the forms of media that I may take part in are most likely more conservative than liberal. It is only after seeing various forms of media that we are able to create our own ideas, not based off of what others are telling us to think but what WE as individuals think.


Anonymous said...

I agree, the media leads us around to where they want us. But how much of that is because we let them by taking their view or accepting their stereotype on a particular subject. Something to think about...

Ashley J. said...

It's interesting to think about what you said about choosing media that is more conservative than liberal. I wonder how many different media outlets can be really defined as one or another?

Julie said...

That is a really good point. I don't know if certain types of media can be classified, but perhaps different television shows, internet sites, or radio talk shows tend to be more conservative or more liberal. It would be interesting to do research on that. . .